Adventure Nani


Welcome to Ang’s travel blog, having been a Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncturist and Naturopath as well as many other things during my adult life (Jack of all trades, master of none) I have now become a volunteer traveller or travelling volunteer which means I will be travelling around the world volunteering at all the wonderful places that need my services, so it could be anything from picking olives in Italy, helping run a meditation retreat in Ireland to teaching English in Thailand.

I call myself Adventure Nani because I am a grandparent to three wonderful little girls, mother to three wonderful girls and mother to two wonderful boys,who are now all grown up.  I love adventure so I am taking some time out to achieve my dream of travelling the world.


Lifestyle & Health

Having been trained in natural health medicine methods, I am a big believer in preventative medicine and using healthy alternatives to drug therapy.

I believe that lifestyle changes including increased nutritional healthy foods, meditation, deep breathing, living in the moment and doing something you love, all contribute to your overall health and well-being.

Last year I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease which is an autoimmune condition of the thyroid gland and ended up with a shrivelled and under-active thyroid, this in turn triggered Rheumatoid Arthritis because it was under=treated for such a long time.

I had previously been very active and a very healthy eater (with some lapses when it came to socialising, involving  the juice they make from grapes lol) so it shocked me when I was diagnosed.

I have done many things naturally to help myself get better from these diseases and it is an ongoing process.

Having done all the nutrition, meditation and exercise part of my recuperation I decided that travel is something I love and selling all my possessions to help fund this reduces the stress in my life so my travel is part of my journey of recovery.

I will be posting lots of natural health tips along with my travel adventures.



My youngest boy is joining the army soon and I realised I don’t want to live in a big house on my own so I was googling live in jobs when I came across HelpX, the best site in the world for would be travellers.

At first I was looking at all the volunteer opportunities available in Wales my home country  but quickly realised that the dream of travelling the world I thought might never happen, was actually a possibility and I set up my profile and contacted some of the hosts.

I now have volunteer positions set up in Ireland, England, and Thailand which will take me up to December when I am hoping to get something in Cambodia or Vietnam.

HelpX is a way to travel if you don’t have much money, in exchange for working on a farm or any business/community project/house/yacht  etc  you get a place to sleep and food.

I Googled “is it possible to travel the world with no money”  and the amount of people already doing it is tremendous  so I read some of the blogs and decided to go for it!

I am selling all my possessions to help fund my dream trip, I will be travelling for a few months in the UK firs then starting off in Asia, with plans for Europe, USA and Australia New Zealand next year.

My blog will diarise my adventures with emphasis on the experiences and the people I meet.

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Bim’s Kitchen

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Fresh organic yellow smoothie with banana apple mango pear pineapple and lemon as healthy drink

Nutri Bullet smoothie maker

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While on my travels my main aim is to recover my health, last year I was diagnosed with underactive thyroid which triggered Rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and possible bowel problems.  I…
