Living on stilts at Cavelodge
I am now staying at the most amazing place in the world. Cavelodge has been in existence for about 30 years, it is a teak lodge built on stilts in the tropical jungle of Northern Thailand in amongst all the hill tribe people. I love it.
Today I went for a walk in the surrounding jungle and Ban Tham tribal village, Kate the lovely girl who is a new friend and has stayed at Cavelodge for a year, a couple of years ago, took me on a walk around the village and to see one of the caves to be explored from Cavelodge. There are some amazing caves here along with wonderful waterfalls, a beautiful people and stunning scenery. There are also bananas growing everywhere along with Papaya, Passion fruit, mangoes, sweetcorn and rice, lots of rice.
We were only allowed to go to the entrance of the cave today as we hadn’t booked a guide, no one is allowed inside the caves without a guide because of possible danger, so I will be going back tomorrow or the next day with a guide, you can kayak into the caves so I might choose that option.
As soon as we arrived I fell in love with the place, it is a wonderful relaxing oasis in the middle of the jungle, the main communal area was built over 30 years ago with more and more cottages added over time. There are hammocks for you to relax, wonderful healthy food, freshly cooked to order with the sounds of the Cicadas and the rushing stream the only noise to spoil the silence or maybe enhance the experience, depending which way you look at it!
When Kate and I arrived we were greeted by Julie and Marcus who we have come to help with the running of their races and help with the craft days at the local schools. We had some food and quickly got into the swing of everything by helping out with the way markers while chatting around the large communal tables.
Later we put the mosquito net up in my room and I had a good night sleep, before going for a our lovely walk today, we went to the cave and fed the fish which swim in the river that runs into the cave, then walked back through the village admiring the views of Big Knob, the large mountain behind the village houses and met local people whom Kate knew from the last time she was here, they were all such interesting people who had led very interesting lives, a couple of the kids let me take a picture of them while another couple came for a walk with us and spoke wonderful English.
I have been welcomed by these people so warmly that I already feel at home, there are so many things to do at Cavelodge I am worried that I won’t have enough time to do it all. But I will give it a try, watch this space!!